Thursday, December 20, 2012

PowerShell Script to Create Site Collections for SharePoint 2013

After setting up my SharePoint 2013 farm with Host Name Site Collections I wanted a quick easy way to create a new Site Collection, since you can't do it properly through Central Admin.

So I sat down and wrote this PowerShell script that will prompt the user for all necessary information to create a new SC with an option of creating a new Database.

To run you can copy the below script and paste it into a ps1 file.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell
Write-Host "This script can be used to create Site Collections for SharePoint 2013"
$webApp = Get-SPWebApplication | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq "SharePoint HNSC Host - 80"}
IF ($webApp){
 $ans = Read-Host "I found a HNSC Host Web App, would you like me to use it?. Y or N"
 $ans = 'N'
IF ($ans -eq 'N' -or $ans -eq 'n') {
 $webApp = $null
    Write-Host "Here are the web applications I see on your farm"
 while (!$webApp) {
  $webAppName = Read-Host "What is the DisplayName of the Web Application you'd like to use? "
  $webApp = Get-SPWebApplication | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $webAppName}
  IF (!$webApp) {Write-Host "I didn't find a Web Application with that name. Be sure to enter the full name exactly as it's listed above."}
$siteName = Read-Host "Site Name"
$siteDescription = Read-Host "Site Description"
$siteUrl = Read-Host "Site Url (ie"
$seeTemplates = Read-Host "Would you like to see a list of templates codes? Y or N"
IF ($seeTemplates -eq 'y' -or $seeTemplates -eq 'Y') {Get-SPWebTemplate}
$siteTemplate = Read-Host "Site Template (ie Blank - STS#0, Team STS#1, etc)"
$siteAdmin = Read-Host "Site Admin (ie ms\devspadmin)"
$createDB = Read-Host "Finally would you like to create a new Content Database for this Site Collection?"
$db = $null
IF($createDB -eq 'Y' -or $createDB -eq 'y') {
    $dbName = Read-Host "Database Name"
    Write-Host "Creating Database..."
    $db = New-SPContentDatabase -name $dbName -webApplication $webApp
    Get-SPContentDatabase -webapplication $webApp
    while(!$db) {
        $dbName = Read-Host "What Content Database would you like to use?"
        $db = Get-SPContentDatabase -Identity $dbName
        IF (!$db) {Write-Host "I didn't find a Content Database with that name. Be sure to enter the full name exactly as it's listed above." }
Write-Host "Creating Site Collection..."
New-SPSite -Name $siteName -Url $siteUrl –HostHeaderWebApplication $webApp -Template $siteTemplate -OwnerAlias $siteAdmin -ContentDatabase $db -Description $siteDescription
Write-Host "Script Complete"

- Owen Runnals
SharePoint Practice Manager @ General Networks Corp


  1. Great script! Thanks. In the section where you create where you get the content database, you misspelled "Identity."

    It should read:
    $db = Get-SPContentDatabase -Identity $dbName
