Thursday, March 7, 2013

Visual Studio ignoring Step In and Referencing GAC DLL instead of local copy

I've been working on a large project for SharePoint 2010 and we just started using Visual Studio 2012. I needed to reference and use a SharePoint helper project that I wrote in the past so I added it to my solution (as I knew I'd need to update some of the functions) and then referenced it in my new class.

When building and trying to step into methods in my SharePoint helper project VS2012 was ignoring my Step In and was just stepping over.

I finally found out that VS was ignoring my direction to copy the referenced dll locally and was instead loading the dll from the GAC. I hadn't incremented the assembly version but had changed the code of the SharePoint helper so I couldn't even manually load the symbol file.

So all I did was increment the assembly version on the SharePoint helper project and immediately it copied the dll locally and stepped in properly during debugging.

Lesson learned!

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